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Greentek Thatch-Away - Review

You're going to need a bigger barrow!

If you think you're getting to the bottom of your thatch problem then you're probably not using one of these.

Basically it's a cylinder mower - but with a high powered verticutting reel and it is a monster. We found that it was filling the grassbox after two-widths of the green.
But the good bit is - you can play immediately after using this in two directions.

Now that's a day's thatch removal.

Our experience is that a green can take two passes at 90 degrees and is passable after a third at 45. It starts looking sparse if you try a fourth - even if there's more thatch to come.
Basically it's the business and well worth finding a contractor who has one. Give it a good go at either end of the season, we have devoted a whole day to thatch removal and mowing.

  1. Mow (5mm)
  2. Thatch-Away in same direction
  3. Mow (5mm) same direction
  4. Thatch-Away perpendicular
  5. Thatch-Away at 45 degrees if still coming up
  6. Mow following Thatch-Away
  7. Test strip on fourth direction to assess remaining thatch.

One pass of aeration of choice - we chose AutoSlit
Next weekend we will be doing another aer-fest
JQ says - Don't rely on mechanically removing thatch, it's a symptom of other issues. Try to create an environment in which the thatch is under control.
Thanks to Dean Broughton Turfcare
Greentek UK
